Today, one of the hottest topics in the gun vs anti-gun debate is the right to carry on college campuses argument. The anti-gun folks believe that us "gunnies" are trying to push gun onto campus but that is entirely untrue. Those of us that want the right to carry on campus are after just that, the RIGHT to carry on campus. After going through the red tape we are allowed to carry almost anywhere we want in most states. Why should a college camps be treated any different? The anti-gunners will say that guns will promote violence on college campuses but they just say that because they do not know the facts. They never look at the facts. Less than 1% of violent crimes are committed by people that have gun carry permits. After we throw that fact at them they tend to say, "Most of the people on college campuses are too young to take on the responsibility of carrying a gun." I partially agree with that point. In my state of Tennessee, one has to be 21 years of age and take a class in order to acquire a gun carry permit. Most, if not all, states have the same age requirement. 21 is still too young for some to carry in a densely populated place like a campus. I am not looking to offend anyone who is 21 and responsible enough to carry a gun on your campus. Most of you that have taken the courses and went through the red tape in order to get a carry permit can handle it. Just think about some of the other people your age. I was 21 and living on campus just four years ago and there were plenty of idiots around.
I say that we allow students with carry permits to carry on campus with a few restrictions. Those restrictions should include:
- Mandatory concealment- This would help keep the distractions down that an open carried 1911 would cause
- Minimum age of 23 to carry on campus, permit holders under the age of 23 can keep their firearm locked away in their car.
- Those who intend to carry must notify the campus public safety office. I would suggest a form to be submitted each semester along with the students schedule. Staff should have to notify them as well.
- Any other state and local laws should be considered as well.
If you are a supporter of carrying on campus you should visit
ConcealedCampus.com. If you are not a supporter you should still visit the site. Do some research before you make your argument. The pro-gun movement embarrasses the anti-gun movement over and over again because the anti-gunners are rarely armed with facts. That is a fact! If the anti-gunners based their arguments on facts they would have to be pro-gun, that is just the way it is.
While attending East Tennessee State University the ETSU Marksmanship Club organized an Empty Holster Protest. If you are a college student you should look into trying to organize on of these. To learn more you can go
HERE. Gun rights is a hot topic that is all too often misunderstood. Knowledge is power and when armed with the facts a pro-gunner will always win the debate when is comes to gun control. If you want to know the facts just go to
GunFacts.info. Don't lower yourself to the level of folks such as the Brady Campaign. Know your stuff before engaging in a conversation about gun rights. If you know your stuff you WILL win the debate. The facts are the facts and the anti-gunners don't have any facts to support their arguments.