Possums have a gestation period of 12-18 days depending on what type the given possum is. That means the reproduce very fast. Anything that is safe, easy to obtain, and quickly reproduces cannot be over looked as a food source in a survival situation. Possums are all of those things. My research tells me that the meat is very light and tender ad that the fat does not have a odor. I also learned that they are not very "gamey" tasting is killed quickly. Adrenaline is what adds that wild or "gamey" tastes to game.
Possum does not skin very easily without some help. In order to clean it it should be gutted. Boiling is the best way to remove the hair. You pluck at the hair while it is boiling and when it comes out easily the hair is ready to scrape off. From there you can skin it and get the meat.
If you have eaten possum of try it you MUST tell me about it! I am curious and applaud anyone with the kahonays to try it. Use facebook to tell me about it.
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