Fashion and style are greatly overlooked in most peoples preps. While that statement sounds idiotic it has some mettle. You need to decide what your bug out look will be. There are two basic looks that won't get you mugged and stripped of your preps. You can go with the "blend in" approach and wear simple street clothes with a standard backpack as your bug out bag. The other option is to look like a smooth operator straight out of a movie or video game. It is hard to argue which option is better as both have pros and cons.
First, lets examine the street clothes option. Blending in is usually a great plan. The less attention you receive the more likely you are to go unnoticed. Those that blend in will not look like they have too much to take if they are noticed by some in-prepared vultures of men. The backpack will be a dead giveaway for those carrying one if it is too flashy. A giant hikers pack says "I have a lot of stuff that you need to survive. Come take it." The tactical option says "I have a lot of stuff that you need to survive. Come any try to take it; you probably can't. Pick the next guy."