On February 7th National Geographic debuts their new TV series about survival preppers. 'Doomsday Preppers' may raise awareness about survival preparedness; I just hope the show doesn't take a 'Hoarders' approach and just show the most extreme cases. I decided to repost a Zombie Splatter article and podcast from April 2011 below in honor or the show.
Have you ever wondered why you should start prepping or tried to convince someone else that they should consider a preppers lifestyle? Listen to the attached podcast and let the great Jack Spirko explain. Also, check out The Survival Podcast by clicking HERE. Here at Zombie Splatter we hope to help as many learn survival skills as we can but we are new and still growing. I highly recommend The Survival Podcast. Mr. Spirko has a ton of content on his site and a really nice membership program. TSP is legit and you would be doing yourself an injustice if you don't check it out. I appreciate Jack Spirko's work and the best way I know to show that is to help him spread his message.