School in back in and the world is getting more chaotic by the day. Living on campus certainly presents some challenges for those of us who are of the prepper state of mind. I spent a few years in the dorms myself. There are lots of regulations and then there is the issues that arise from having a very limited amount of space. It is impossible to be as prepared as a man with 10 acres in the sticks if you are living in a dorm room but there are steps you can take to increase your survivability. This information can be useful for apartment dwellers as well. In the event of a disaster the biggest problem will be your fellow students. Let's face it, college students are generally idiots. They are generally less than half as smart as they think they are and have the skill level of a gnat when it comes to skills that increase survivability. These are the type of people that panic. It is best to keep our dorm room preps quite.
Here is a list of things that you can do to help with your preps while on campus. Keep in mind that this kit is only the essential. It is designed around limited storage space like a dorm room tends to have.
- Hide $50-$100 in your room. Make sure half of it is in $1 bills.
- Keep at least a half of a tank of gas in your vehicle. A campus is generally somewhere that you will want to bug out of if something happens.
- Keep some hand sanitizer handy. A face mask would be a good idea too. Dorms are notorious for viral outbreaks. A serious pathogen can spread like wild fire in dorms.
- No matter how sick you are of ramen noodles you need to have a small stock pile of them. 3600 Calorie ER Bars are great too.
- As I always say, stash some Bic lighters
- Make sure you have flashlights and batteries.
- If your institution has a mass text service sign up for it.
- Get a first aid kit
- Make sure you have a couple of changes of clothes in you bug out bag.
- Have three gallons of water on stand-by.
- Make sure you have a knife. Just be sure that you are not breaking the rules. Most universities have a limit of an 8" blade length allowed on campus.
- Very few colleges allow guns on campus. You can still be close to yours. Join a gym and lock your gun up in your gym locker.
- Make sure you have your emergency documentation in your car and in your room. Don't forget to have your three routes to three different locations in there. Use printed maps. Your handy-dandy GPS might not work when you need it to.
- Put all of these items in a bug out bag. You are basically creating a mini bug out kit.
The next thing a student needs to consider is when it is time to bug out or when bugging in is a better option. If riots break out in your college town it is probably time to get the hell out of town. If an ice storm hits it is time to bug in. Just make sure you stay informed on the given situation and stay ahead of the curve. If an infection is spreading throughout the cities and zombies are running rampant you need to bug out and do it before the infection hits your town. Information is key. Your goal is to hit the road before any one else in a bug out situation. People tend to panic a that they become the most dangerous threat of all. If you are at a campus that is far away from home you may want to find some fellow preppers that can help you with the area you are in. It is hard to bug out if you don't know where to go. I like to have three bug out location. One of them is 2 hours away from home, another is four hours away from home, and the third location is six hours away. I also have some local places to go in case a am hit by a very localized disaster that only affects my neighborhood.
How can I learn to increase my survivability?
- Read Zombie Splatter on a regular basis. It is free and your can subscribe via RSS by clicking HERE. Or you can follow ZS by email with the box at the bottom of this page. Be sure to connect with us on facebook and twitter.
- Start listening to The Survival Podcast. The listener feedback shows cover a lot of very important content
- Make sure you have your emergency documentation. Click HERE for a template so you can make you documentation package.
- Check out the ZS Bug Out Bag page to get a better understanding of what a full-sized bug out bag has in it.
I am very interested in your input on this post. If your a living in dorms what kind of input do you have. You can comment using the comment box just below. It is powered by facebook so just login in and leave your comment.