Saturday, August 20, 2011

Jihadists Call for Bombing U.S. Military Funerals | Chandler's Watch

Jihadists Call for Bombing U.S. Military Funerals | Chandler's Watch

Jihadists Call for Bombing U.S. Military Funerals

Posted by Maggie On August - 18 - 2011

Daily Mail UK:

Jihadists are being encouraged to strike America in a sickening new way by bombing the funerals of U.S. service members killed in action.
A recent post on the Ansar al-Mujahedeen web forum cites 2009′s Fort Hood massacre as a truiumph.
It urges readers to conceal suicide vests under fake military uniforms to get close to funeral VIPs like military brass and state governors.

An unnamed author on the site writes: ‘There is no doubt that targeting America in these times will have a significant impact in hastening its withdrawal from the countries it occupies, on top of which is Afghanistan.’
He also said he hoped an attack would compound the global economic crisis.
The writer states that security is ‘almost non-existent’ at the funerals, according to a translation by the SITE Institute’s terror monitoring service.

But the writer is clearly ill-informed.
Police and volunteers like the Patriot Guard Riders swarm the rites to shield relatives and other mourners from the media and from demonstrators like the protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church.