Sunday, July 17, 2011

WEAPONS: Handguns

Handguns are an essential component in any armament. A side-arm is invaluable is close quarters and when the ammo in the long-gun runs out. It is important to keep in mind that a pistol is not a substitute for a rifle in a battle situation. The average person that owns a pistol, has zero training, and only makes it to the range two to three times a year is not going to be very effective under the stresses of battle.

There are hundreds of options  when it comes to choosing what type of pistol if for you. I see no purpose other than nostalgia for something like a Desert Eagle .50AE. Many prefer .45 ACP over all other calibers but I am a 9mm guy. Most modern calibers a highly effective against human sized targets. I am also a fan of polymer guns. My carry pistol is a 4" Springfield XD9. I have owned Glock's and revolvers. I have shot Sig's, 1911's, a USP, and plenty more hand gun variants but really took to my XD. Finding which gun is right for you is very important. Make sure magazines are readily available for your selection. It is also a good idea to shell out the extra cash for premium mags. A $2000 custom 1911 is worthless without quality mags to run it with. Bad mags cause jams and miss feeds.

The single most important thing about hand guns is to actually have one. After that, the next most important thing is training. Take a course. Go to the range often. You don't need to become a SEAL Team 6 caliber shooter. You must need to be proficient with YOUR firearm.

That is all for handguns FOR NOW, expect lots more as I can write and talk about guns all day :)