Outbreak:Omega™ 4
Ahlman’s Guns Range in Morristown, MN
July 9th, 2011.
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"Winter, 2010-11. The survivors of the St. Cloud area have endured three years of constant horror, bloodshed, and hardship. Over the past years, despite better organization and skills learned through experience, the future is bleak. New survivors are being found less frequently, although the undead seem to never stop coming. Ammunition, once scavenged from homes and stores…is now becoming harder to find. Food stores once thought to be enough for years are getting eerily low. Hopefully the crops this year will be more successful than lasts.But then, a broken radio message is detected. There are others. Through basic radio communication we learn that a smaller, similar group of survivors has apparently been gathering slowly, and has built a stronghold near Morristown MN. They have fortified structures, surrounded by open farmland and a pond with clean water. They have weapons, vast amounts of ammunition and components to make more. But they are low on people. They are not able to move their supplies effectively.
A plan is made. After the snowmelt, after the crops are planted, the St. Cloud survivors will send a large detachment to Morristown. Some will stay and fortify their stronghold, and in exchange supplies will be sent back with the others to St. Cloud. From two strongholds, perhaps humanity has a chance to expand.
After the radios go silent however…both groups develop a second plan secretly. Everyone wants the first plan to work, but both know that it may, eventually, come down to simple math…and perhaps only one group can survive.
The Morristown survivors know that if it comes down to life or death, their lack of experience and numbers will be their disadvantage, and they will need to subversively take out enough of the St. Cloud survivors to make their trek north impractical, forcing the last few to stay and bolster the Morristown garrison.
The St. Cloud survivors know from experience that no amount of supplies can last forever, especially if these rookies cannot use them efficiently. They just might have to take more than their share…by force if necessary.
All shooters will be divided into team Morristown and team St. Cloud. These teams are for recoding purposes only. On certain stages, scoring will be kept and accumulated per team. At the end of the day, one team will have the bragging rights of being the victors."
Outbreak:Omega™ 4 Stages
Below will be the descriptions, ammo estimates and costs for this year's stages.
More stage descriptions are coming soon.
ONLY BIRDSHOT will be accepted for all shotgun stages. Also, absolutely NO STEEL CORE ammunition is allowed on the range. Anyone who uses shotgun slugs or steel core ammo will be financially responsible for any damage to Ahlman's property and will also be disqualified from the shoot.
Please understand that the stages described here could possibly change slightly due to targets, props, or safety constraints not currently known. Regardless, they will be fun, and challenging. Thank you for your understanding.
Shooters should plan on 300+ rounds between Rifle, Pistol, and Shotgun. Some shooters may choose to shoot more, or repeat certain stages
The Water Hole (Shotgun or Taurus Judge - 5-10 rounds) You are a lookout near the pond when you hear a scream come from a woman that went out on the Island to get water. As you come onto the island you see her body being consumed by several zombies that came across the pond bottom(zombies don't need air) Engage, destroy, and recover the water jug back to shore.
Landing Party: Life Jacket Required! (Rifle 20-30 rounds)
As you get to shore you realize that the zombies at the island were just a few of several that were coming across the pond bottom. Fortunately this possibility was prepared for with perimeter charges placed on the shoreline to be set off by rifle fire. Engage the perimeter charges to destroy the horde and alert the others of the attack.
'Effen Rookies (Supplied automatic weapon stage, 60 rounds)
After detonating the pond perimeter charges, you move up the hill to find that a Morristown rookie has abandoned their automatic weapon position and is fleeing toward the fort. Being the hardcore, experienced Zombie destroyer you are, you decide to stop long enough to use the weapon to take out the last few zombies on your heels.
Get out of the way! (Rifle 10 rounds / Pistol 10 rounds)
You are leading a group of newly found, unarmed survivors when you hear a scream. You turn to see several zombies charging from behind the others, who are darting about in panic. You must "thread the needle" to kill the attacking zombies before they kill you all.
Kill the Rats (Team Scored Stage) (Supplied rimfire stage, 20 rounds)
Rats like stored food even more than humans. Kill as many rats as possible without damaging the food stores.
Fatal Funnel (Open Range)
Even zombies move in the path of least resistance. The terrain has created a funnel of sorts that provides a constant stream of zombies, perfect for zero confirmation, training, or general recreation.
Sporting Clays (5 stages Shotgun 25 rounds)
Face it, you will probably never have another Big Mac. You need to be able to take things from nature. Test your skills with Ahlmans Sporting clays, some of the most difficult woodland wing-shooting stages in MN.
Coming Soon
Someone's in the car (Pistol 5-10 rounds)
One shot, one kill (rifle 10 rounds)
The Alleys(2 stages pistol 20 rounds)
The Town (Hotel, Bar, Laundry, General Store, Bank, Jail)
Welcome to the Hotel California (Rifle, 20-30 rounds)Last Man Standing (Team Scored Stage)
BarFight (Pistol 20 rounds)
I'm never going to get these stains out (shotgun 10-15 rounds)
Grocery Run (Rifle / pistol 10 rounds each)
Payment is due (Rifle / Shotgun 20 rounds / 5 rounds)
Worst night in Jail ever! (Rifle 20 rounds)
Outbreak:Omega™ 4 Guide
DPMS Firearms, LLC and Ahlman’s Guns are hosting another "fun shoot" at the Ahlman’s Guns Range in Morristown, MN on July 9th, 2011.
This shoot is zombie based with the stages explained in the Stages section.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the administrator via email at aaron@dpmsinc.com.
It only takes 1 round to shut down a gun range. You are using firearms that have the potential to cause property damage, serious personal injury or death. Shoot smart, responsibly and safe.
Head on over to http://www.outbreakomega.com for more information.
This shoot is zombie based with the stages explained in the Stages section.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the administrator via email at aaron@dpmsinc.com.
- Always treat a gun as if it is loaded.
- Always have the gun pointed down range.
- Always keep your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
- Always keep your action open and gun unloaded until you are ready to shoot.
- A Chamber Flag is required when carrying an uncased rifle at the range.
- Eye and ear protection are required on any range. Eye protection should be of wrap around design or include side shields.
- Do not use drugs or alcohol before or during shooting. Alcoholic beverages and drugs are not allowed on the rifle/pistol ranges at anytime.
- Immediately stop shooting when a cease-fire command is given.
- When a cease-fire command is given, unload all ammunition from your firearms, open the actions and put down the firearm.
- When others are downrange, DO NOT TOUCH any firearms. This includes taking out or putting a gun into a case or working on a firearm.
- Do not go past the firing line while others are shooting.
- Do not shoot at any debris on the ground, unauthorized steel targets, spinner targets, water, over the berms or backstops, target racks or anything that may become a safety hazard.
- Children under 6 are not allowed on the range.
- Individuals under 18 years of age require parental supervision.
- No illegal firearms or suppressors are allowed.
It only takes 1 round to shut down a gun range. You are using firearms that have the potential to cause property damage, serious personal injury or death. Shoot smart, responsibly and safe.
Head on over to http://www.outbreakomega.com for more information.