Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama is dead. What can I expect from here?

   The United States has recently killed Osama Bin Laden. This is a time for celebration throughout the world. I heard someone on the tube say "the last thing Bin Laden saw on this Earth was the American that shot him." This "infidel" loves that quote since we Americans are the ones he hated so much. Osama's death is a huge step towards eradicating terrorism but do not feel too secure. This fight is far from over and I am afraid that reality will prove true when the news has passed and we are back to our normal comfort levels.
   Bin Ladens followers come from a group of people that have been brainwashed into becoming religious extremists that will stop at nothing to achieve their idea of victory. That idea of victory is the complete destruction of the western world. They truly hate us and, in their eyes, Americans murdered their leaded. I don't see it as murder; I see it as justice that was well over due. Bin Ladens followers WILL attempt to retaliate! Hopefully world governments, especially our own, can gather the intelligence needed to stop any attempts these scum bags can muster up. I have read reports that they have possession of a nuclear bomb and I have also read that they have been saving it for the time when Osama is captured or killed. Hopefully that was just bad reporting but my gut tells me that the extremists have the bomb. Nuclear attack is not the only threat they present. They could attack with chemical or biological agents. These s.o.b.'s could also destroy fuel lines and hit us in the pockets. They are a cowardly bunch that will not stand and fight. Instead they plant hidden bombs and hide among innocent civilians. These people are very dangerous and have the taste for blood now more than ever.
    What can I do to help prevent an attack? Many people don't even ask that question because they thing this war is bigger than them. If one just looks at the situation he will realize he is at war himself. As civilians we are not on the front lines hunting out these bastards but we are involved. We are their targets and we must be prepared to help our soldiers defend us. I am not advocating the idea that we take up arms and hop on the first flight to Pakistan. I am simply saying that we need to be more alert that ever. If you see suspicious activities report what you saw immediately. The best reaction to an attack is the actions that prevent it. Let the professionals handle the tactics of diffusing whatever situation is presented. As citizens we just need to help law enforcement notice the activities around us. Law enforcement is the front line here in the home land. We stand behind them. We will never see terrorists dropping out of the sky with ak47's onto American soil. The world knows that Americans are well armed and an invasion is next to impossible when each home is being defended by a man with his gun. Domestic attacks will be sneaky and carried out in a cowardly fashion.
    We are not facing a new enemy and be sure that you do not become complacent in the midst of this threat. It is easy to let become comfortable and forget that we are under attack. A retaliation to Osama's execution is probably coming later than sooner. These radicals strike when their target is not expecting it. That is the only shot they have at success. Let's make sure we all do our part and let your local authorities know if you see something that just seems odd. Keep in mind that Islam does to equal terrorism. Our enemy are the minority; they are brain washed radicals that have given and entire race a black eye to the rest of the world. Do not underestimate our enemy. Their cowardice makes them unpredictable. To them, we are the embodiment of Satan and we must be destroyed. This has been pounded into the heads of these desperate people. They are desperate for solid leadership and are easily corrupted by the false hope that religious expoitists can provide. I have heard it said that "desperation provides fertile ground for religious extremism." This extremism is a threat to life as we know it.

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Osama is Dead_What Can I Expect From Here