I am really looking forward to podcasting and I have some killer material together that I just need to type up and post. Hit me up on Facebook with suggestions. Also, suggest the blog to your friends. It is never to late to get someone else into prepping until it is REALLY too late! Lastly, if you are interested in becoming a contributing author on Zombie Splatter just contact me on Facebook. More quality content is always a bonus.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Zombie Splatter is on facebook!
I am really looking forward to podcasting and I have some killer material together that I just need to type up and post. Hit me up on Facebook with suggestions. Also, suggest the blog to your friends. It is never to late to get someone else into prepping until it is REALLY too late! Lastly, if you are interested in becoming a contributing author on Zombie Splatter just contact me on Facebook. More quality content is always a bonus.