I always believed zombies were part of a worn out comic and horror genre until I read an article about real zombie ants. You can read the article HERE. The article explained how ants were being attacked by a fungus that controled their bodies like it was simply driving it like a car. To me, it isn't too far fetched to think that this fungus or a similar one could evolve enough to have the same effect on humans. Viruses could cause a zombie outbreak as well. Just think what a rabies-flu hybrid could do.
I am not of the beleif that bodies will rise from the ground to coordinate an attack on humanity. A viral outbreak could certainly take it's toll though. Just imagine a bunch of people running around with a constant trickle of adrenaline triggered by a very contagious virus. The only things that can keep you from infection is knowledge and preperation.

Don't forget your ant poison!