Saturday, March 26, 2011

Assembling a Survival Team

   There is strength in numbers but you are only as strong as you weakest link....blah blah blah, we have heard it a thousand times. The fact of the matter is that it is true. I a group of 25 is stronger than a lone family of 4. It will be much easier to survive if you form or join a survival group. A survival group is just what it sounds like, a group of people gathered together and helping each other survive. Different individual have different skill sets and that can come in handy.
   The first step to forming a survival group is determining who is in the group. It should be friends and family. You don't want to approach random people and ask them to join; they may be the weak link. Write down a list of family and friends that you would want to be around in a survival situation. Beside their names you need to jot down their skill sets.
    (these are made up names)
  • Bob Smith- hunting, fishing, fixing cars
  • Lara Smith- cooking, gardening, sewing, good with kids
  • John Jones- builds houses, fishing, was in the Navy
  • Tony Jones- paramedic, has a small farm, natural leader
  • Etc
   You all need to get together and have some serious discussions. A leader needs to be predetermined. A rendezvous point needs to be selected as well as some backup spots. It is a good idea to determine how long the group will wait on each other before leaving. In a later post I will be discussing how to, and why you need to, create maps and routes to various rendezvous location.
   Every member of your group is going to prep for their survival in different ways. One person may not think about a scenario that the other did and vice versa. Each of you can benefit from the prepping of others. When the disaster is over you group will be the community in which you rebuild you existence. There is never too much manpower when rebuilding communities.